DVD or no DVD?

One of the questions I am asked most often is: "When will there be an ‘Odd Couple’ DVD?" You can help by doing the following: Fill in the information in the DVD poll question that I have just put on the right side of this MLBlog. Here is an arrow to point you to the right.  —->

Then we hopefully will come to an answer on this issue, and maybe soon you will be able to use your DVD player to watch scenes like the one below in this picture from my private collection. (There goes Felix again.) There are also great outtakes in the special DVD that you will get if you order my new book Tony and Me right here at the MLB.com Shop.

I’m back on the East Coast now for more book signing appearances, and you can click the link on the right of this page (follow the arrow above) for the full tour. Wednesday is the Washington/Baltimore area, and Friday is Pittsburgh. Next week is St. Louis on Monday, K.C. on Wednesday, and Dallas on Friday. It’s a lot of fun to meet fans who have watched our shows, and fun to have a blog here.





  1. johnkingston@optonline.net

    Dear Mr. Klugman: This posting of yours is sort of disappointing, because I had assumed that the failure to have an Odd Couple DVD had to be because of some contractual problem rather than somebody’s doubts that it would be a successful DVD offering. That’s the way that I read this “poll” that you’re conducting. Each week, there are utterly forgettable shows released on DVD, things you can’t believe that anybody would ever think of owning. And here you are looking for a public show of support to get an Odd Couple DVD into the market. Have you really run into that much resistance? I’m dying for the day that this hits the market. By the way, I saw the performance of The Odd Couple that you and Tony Randall did in London a few years ago — 1996 I think it was — and I cherish that moment. Who needs Lane and Modine?

  2. leon399@comcast.net

    I have to agree with the last poster. We should not have to vote to get such a great program out unedited on DVD. I of course did vote and will encourage all I know to vote as well. Hopefully Paramount will wise up fast and get us a show we really want.

  3. vince@chapter2prod.com

    I’m with the others. I can’t believe this…get it out, and we’ll start the stampede…

  4. rpg80@yahoo.com

    for those who were alive in the 80s, maybe consider getting more of the Quincy series out on dvd too!!
    i have watched my first 2 seasons till the dvds are skipping!!!
    we want Quincy!
    p.s. bring out odd couple too!! jack – do you think you will come to vancouver or victoria or seattle anytime soon?
    would love to meet you.

  5. lime_inside@hotmail.com

    I’m in the same boat as the last commenter, my Quincy DVD’s are worn through! I’m dying for them to bring out another series!

  6. ronaldds@aol.com

    You have been a favorite of mine for years. I had the picture of you blowing smoke in tonys face hung in my shop forever. Thank you for all you’ve given us. Laughter is a great medicine for todays stress. Please let us know when you will be coming to Seattle.
    This web site isn’t working when I click on touring dates or order book / DVD. I really would like to shake your hand and thank you in person and purchase a book from you. I also enjoy your friend Tony in all his movies as well. Thanks again Jack.

  7. smbounds@msn.com

    Mr. Klugman,

    I’ve been a sincere admirer of your work since the Twilight Zone days and hope you are doing well. I did something unusual for my English students this year. I am making them write, as a semester exam, a review of Twelve Angry Men. My department chairman bought it for me as a gift, and I thought that Rose’s script was so provocative and brilliant that I could use it as a classroom tool. My students have been enthralled by everyone’s work in that film, naturally, but they seem particularly drawn to your character because of his vulnerability and assertiveness. They all believe you are a wonderful actor. I just thought you might want to know that you still have a young audience who appreciates your talent.

    S.M. Bounds

  8. john charles.

    Jack, the writing and delivery on the odd couple were second to none. it has been and always will be my favorite. it never relied on a cheap laugh. most of all we could see the true bond of friendship between you and tony. i hope you are with us for a long, long time………john.

  9. darren

    i used 2 watch quincy me when i was a kid and iv recently just found old episods on uk channel universal channel and ive just told my daughter about the show and we r both loving it me 4 my memorys of the show and my daughter loves it 2 what a great actor he made the show. quality stands the test of time and jack is as good 2 day as he was in yester year brillant show and super actor!!!

  10. Michelle Nelson

    I have always been a huge Jack Klugman Fan. My favorite being Quincy. I can watch the reruns of them over and over. You were fanastic and I always adored you. You had such talent one would truly believe you were a coroner!
    Love Ya
    Michelle Nelson

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